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AMJ Biblical  Institute

AMJ Biblical Institute

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Biblical Curriculum

Synopsis: The Bible is the premise or foundation of God. The experiences inside of the book were inspired by the man. The  Biblical Curriculum is created to give you revelation and insight into the Gospel. This curriculum will teach you about principles and laws based on Biblical experiences that will empower and further your life.  


This course includes: 

- Mentorship 

- Submission 

- Divine Healing 

- Kingdom Prayer 

- Leadership & more



Prophetic Curriculum

Synopsis: The prophetic comes to exhort,  encourage, and edify. The AMJ Prophetic  Curriculum is designed to give you the foundational concepts about the prophetic. You will learn why we prophesy,  differences of major prophets vs. Minor prophets, kingdom prophet vs. church prophet, and clear up misconceptions of commonly used prophetic terms. This institute is suitable for beginners and is also highly recommended for leaders and those who possess a prophetic mantle.  


This course includes: 
- Prophecy 101 
- Prophetic Terminology 
- How to dominate the prophetic realm

- Understanding the prophetic 
- The Four Winds & more


Dr. Keisha Fleming

Dean, AMJ Biblical Institute

Thanks for submitting!

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